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AVR tillage equipment

Search results: 9 ads

9 ads: AVR tillage equipment

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€30,900 ≈ $31,740 ≈ ₹2,748,000
Haulm topper
Sweden, Customer
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€9,500 ≈ $9,758 ≈ ₹845,000
Haulm topper
Row spacing 750 mm Number of rows 4
France, Feuchy
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€29,700 ≈ $30,510 ≈ ₹2,642,000
Power harrow
Working width 6 m
Poland, Łęgowo
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€8,000 ≈ $8,218 ≈ ₹711,500
Haulm topper
Ireland, Co.dublin
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€8,800 ≈ $9,039 ≈ ₹782,700
Potato hiller
Working width 3 m
Austria, Zwettl
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€3,500 ≈ $3,595 ≈ ₹311,300
Potato hiller
Sweden, Customer
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€6,000 ≈ $6,163 ≈ ₹533,700
Power harrow
Netherlands, Espel
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€7,000 ≈ $7,190 ≈ ₹622,600
Haulm topper
France, Feuchy
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€3,500 ≈ $3,595 ≈ ₹311,300
Haulm topper
Row spacing 750 mm Number of rows 4
Romania, Budila Brasov
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Search results: 9 ads

Prices for AVR tillage equipment

AVR RSK 2000 Row spacing: 750 mm, Number of rows: 4 €3,500
AVR GE Force 8x75 Year: 2017, working width: 6 m €29,700
AVR RAFALE Year: 2020 €7,000
AVR AVR - Multivator Year: 2007 €6,000
AVR Dammfräse Compact 4x75 Year: 2013, working width: 3 m €8,800